Guidelines > Oral presentation guidelines

Oral presentation guidelines

  • Time: oral presentations will be assigned 18 min for presentation + 3 min for questions
  • Format: Presentation should be in a format compatible with PC (PowerPoint). We suggest using fonts not smaller than 20 pts due to the size of the meeting room and legibility of the slides. Standard presentation ratio to be used is 4:3 aspect, 1024×768 resolutions.
  • Content: Your presentation should provide an overview of your project(s) and research.

Please email your slides to at least 24 hours before your presentation time slot.
Please, use the following naming convention for the file: Session Number_Presenter Last Name_Presenter FirstName (e.g.: S1_Brunet_Gilbert.ppt, or .pdf), in order to identify easily the presentation during the conference. All presentations will be projected from one single Stanford laptop.

If you are presenting remotely, you will be asked to share your screen on Zoom with your presentation at the time of your talk. Please still email us your slideshow beforehand as a backup, should any technical issues arise.

Oral no show : Participants are strongly urged to inform the organizers in case of no-show in sending a mail to

For any specific technical request, please contact the local organizers no later than August 15th.

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