Programme at a glance as of August 26, 2022
To download the programme and the list of poster, click here.
DAY 1 - Monday 29 August
09:00-09:05: Welcome
09:05-10:30: Panel - the future of climate model hierarchies - Chairs: Aditi Sheshadri/Allison Wing
10:30-11:00: Coffee break
11:00-12:30: Session 1 - Climate variability and change - Chairs: Wenwen Kong/Laura Mansfield
12:30-14:00: Lunch
14:00-15:30: Session 2 - Modeling the general circulation - Chairs: Zhaoyi Shen/Aman Gupta
15:30-17:00: Posters (including drinks and snacks)
DAY 2 - Tuesday 30 August
09:00-10:30: Session 3 - Tropical circulation - Chairs: Adam Burnett/Ofer Shamir
10:30-11:00: Coffee break
11:00-12:30: Session 4 - Tropical convection and clouds - Chairs: Yi Zhang/Brian Green
12:30-14:00: Lunch
14:00-15:30: Session 5 - Data-driven approaches to modeling the atmosphere - Chairs: Mariana Clare/Aman Gupta
15:30-17:00: Posters (including drinks and snacks)
DAY 3 - Wednesday 31 August
09:00-10:30: Session 6 - Midlatitude and stratospheric dynamics - Chairs: Chris Kruse/Catherine Wilka
10:30-11:00: Coffee break
11:00-12:30: Session 7.1 - Model hierarchies for the ocean 1 - Chairs: Mark England/Wenwen Kong
12:30-14:00: Lunch
14:00-15:30: Session 7.2 - Model hierarchies for the ocean 2 - Chairs: Eviatar Bach/Ofer Shamir
15:30-17:00: Posters (leading into drinks, leading into reception and dinner outside)
DAY 4 - Thursday 1 September
09:00-10:30: Session 8 - Modeling land, ice, and the biosphere - Chairs: Catherine Wilka/Brian Green
10:30-11:00: Coffee break
11:00-12:30: Session 9 -Model hierarchies for impacts - Chairs: Zhaoyi Shen/Laura Mansfield